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Win, Place and Showing for the Purple - Get to Know Jaclyn Upperman

If you could host a Jr Nationals anywhere in the world where would it be?

Scotland – due to our heritage of the Angus breed.

The AMAZING girls behind the Jr Angus Show! Madeline Bauer - Caitlyn Brandt - Jaclyn Upperman

What is your favorite Jr activity that takes place during Jr nationals?

Cook-off Contest – We have 40 teams and it is a family affair. They cook a piece of Certified Angus Beef and then showcase it with a creative skit on the specifications of the brand. The juniors really shine in their knowledge and acting!

Closing Ceremonies – All the juniors together showcasing the week of contests and events is always a highlight for me!

Where was the first Jr national you attended? And when?

2007 – Tulsa, OK

Who has had the biggest influence in your life?

I would say Robin Hughes & James Fisher who were advisors to me as I was showing and being on the junior board. They helped mold me into the person I am today and my love for the junior programs.

The NJAS fearless leaders!

If you had one piece of advice to people traveling to Jr nationals, what would it be? Read your confirmation packet so you know what is happening the week of NJAS. But also take every opportunity and make sure to try new things!

If you could go back and tell 18-year-old you one thing what would it be?

Take a chance and go for it. I didn’t do that till later in my life and I think I would have had some more great opportunities offered to me.

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