BROOKINGS, S.D. - South Dakota 4-H will utilize social media platforms to stay connected with families and to provide live updates during activities at the South Dakota State Fair.
Throughout the fair, families can utilize the Twitter platform for live updates on their respective shows, contests and events. Information in live updates may include, but is not limited to reminders of livestock weigh-ins, current class statuses and other event-specific details.
To engage with or view updates, users can follow South Dakota 4-H on Twitter by searching “SDSUExt4H” or any of the following hashtags in the search bar, as it applies to their event.
Beef - #SD4HBeefCompanion Animal - #SD4HCompanionAnimalDairy Cattle - #SD4HDairyCattleDairy Goats - #SD4HDairyGoatMeat Goats - #SD4HMeatGoatPoultry - #SD4HPoultryRabbits - #SD4HRabbitSheep - #SD4HSheepSwine - #SD4HSwineConsumer Decision Making - #SD4HCDMFashion Revue - #SD4HFashionRevueHorticulture Skillathon - #SD4HHortSkillPublic Presentations - #SD4HPubPresRobotics - #SD4HRoboticsSpecial Foods - #SD4HSpecialFoodsEducation Committee/General Nordby Exhibit Hall Information - #SD4HNordby
Additionally, South Dakota 4-H will utilize Facebook to provide show and event highlights to share photos and event summaries throughout the week. To join South Dakota 4-H on Facebook, users should search “South Dakota 4-H.”
Furthermore, show and event organizers should encourage 4-H families to tag South Dakota 4-H and utilize the hashtags listed above when sharing their own posts about 4-H activities at the fair.
For more information about 4-H events occurring during the South Dakota State Fair, visit the SDSU Extension State Fair page.