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Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture, Blayne Arthur, Visits the White House

The Show Circuit

As the Secretary of Agriculture for the State of Oklahoma I was invited by President Trump and Mrs. Trump to attend a Holiday Reception at The White House.  My husband Jerrod and I flew from Wichita, KS (after the KS Beef Expo) to Washington D.C. so it was quite a change of pace in a 24 hour time period.  We were given very specific directions regarding entry to the facility and after navigating several layers of security we were allowed into the White House. 

Attendees included visitors from across the United States as well as several other countries.  Guests were allowed to tour at leisure through the rooms of the White House, the theme for the year was "The Spirit of America".  The Cross Hall that leads into the State Dining Room was filled with trees decorated in white lights and gold décor and the military band played the entire evening.  The East Room was decorated with several trees and a unique nativity scene that was several feet tall.  Food and Beverages were offered in the East Room and guests were allowed to filter through the rooms to eat and take photos.

The President and the First Lady joined guests half way through the evening and the President provided comments and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.  Jerrod and I were able to meet several individuals including cabinet members and the Attorney General.  It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and we were proud to represent Oklahoma and agriculture producers. 


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